The Amazon Rainforest
The massive rainforest that occupies over five million square kilometers of South America is not only the largest of its kind on the planet, but also the oldest, and most biodiverse. In the area of the Amazon which sits on the Peruvian side of the boarder alone, scientists have noted 2,500 species of butterflies, 806 species of birds, and around 8000 species of plants. It’s astounding to see firsthand. On any given walk through the rainforest you’ll see an astonishing variety of plants, insects, and if you’re lucky, some of the bigger and more exotic wildlife. And all of these species have had millions of years to differentiate and evolve – this is the oldest land ecosystem on earth, after all. You’ll likely hear more than you see, and you certainly won’t find animals posing for the camera, but hit the link (here) for what I was able to capture in the wild jungle of South America.
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